A Figging Seen On Twitter
I don’t know how long a link to one of these TwitPics will last, but here goes for now: The Ginger Fig Is In.
Update: Had that drafted up there already, then the rest of the story came out via a tweeted link:
I have never heard so much noise from one person, anyone would have though a nuclear test had just gone off in her arse! Wriggling like a worm all over the bed moaning about how much this figging lark hurts. And begging me to stop!
For the sake of science, i thought the figging should go on and made sure it did.
My experiment I have to say lasted less than 10 mins, which is bollocks really and I personally think slave should be shown again. All she could do to sum it up, was to say it was like putting aftershave on your pussy but 10 times worse. Something we tried many years ago.